Tuesday, October 21, 2008



Opening: The internet is a place where you can be anyone. Out of these 6 topics I am going to choice three of them to go into detail and they are “Living their lives Online, Predator fear, Cyber Bullying.

Point 1: Many of the kids in this video had a MySpace; they were talking about how they could spend hours on MySpace. So what is MySpace? MySpace is networks where you are able to talk to people that have a MySpace share photos, videos and much more.


Point 2: In my perspective its common sense not to give your information to some strange on the street, so way the hell would you give it to someone on the internet its common sense not to give it to anyone. The parents that where speaking about this topic said that this was their biggest fear, that some guy look at their kids in a bad way.


Point 3: This is where you have to talk to someone about these problems, he told his dad about the bulling but his dad thought it was at school not the internet. If he would have better communication skill then we would live or if his dad check on what the kid did online. 


            In conclusions: I feel that this “Video Growing up Online” only brings up the bad side of the internet. They really don’t talk about the positive side like how it lets you to connect with friend and family that you rarely see.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Growing Up Online


            In the PBS video that we watch “Growing up Online” was about kids growing up with the internet and how their generation needs the internet. The movie has 6 main topics that it talks about first “Living their lives Online, A revolution in classrooms and social life, trying on new identities, Predator fear, Private worlds outside parents reach, And Cyber bullying”. Over all this movie had a lot of good point, but it did not talk about the good side of the internet. The internet is a place where you can be anyone. Out of these 6 topics I am going to choice three of them to go into detail and they are “Living their lives Online, Predator fear, Cyber Bullying.

            Living online some say that the internet is addictive. The movie said that over 90 percents of kids are online and that number is still going so what makes the internet so addictive, this is question with many answer but in my perspective I feel what makes the internet so addictive is how it in came about, and some say that the internet has all of the answer. In today’s world almost everyone has a MySpace, Facebook, or some sort of social network. Many of the kids in this video had a MySpace; they were talking about how they could spend hours on MySpace. So what is MySpace? MySpace is networks where you are able to talk to people that have a MySpace share photos, videos and much more. You can also meet new people, the only thing is that you have to create an avatar that shows your personality this can be your personality or a made up one, meaning you can be anyone on MySpace. Gaming is also a big topic in the movie because many people also use the internet for their online gaming which you could playing the game with people around the world. Internet has become a big part of life, which some kids can’t even get out of their house they just when to stay in and use the internet.


            The other topic that this movie talks about was “Predator online”. This is problem that many parents face today, is someone sexual attacking their kids online. To me this is a big problem online, but it really depends on how your personality is online the people with picture of them self in a bad manner will get sexual attack. In my perspective its common sense not to give your information to some strange on the street, so way the hell would you give it to someone on the internet its common sense not to give it to no one. Know the parents that where specking about this topic said that this was their biggest fear. Yeah if I was a parent it would be really frightening to know the things that can happen on the internet with kids. But at the same time if you talk to your kids about the internet and its danger, then they can be protect, but it’s their choice to fallow what their parents told them about the internet danger. The mom in the video wants her kids to give her there passwords for their MySpace accounts, but they said hell no. If a parent is asking a child for their password on their account then, there is a sign that there’s no trust in the family.

My last fact is I Cyber Bulling was a big part of this movie. They were talking about a kid that suicide himself because of online bulling. I personal think that the online bulling has to stop because it’s stupid why say something to someone online that you wouldn’t tell them in person and also more than one person that bulled that kid. It also bought what a website that gave you ways to die so that’s fuck up but you post almost about anything on the internet. This is where you have to talk to someone about these problems, he told his dad about the bulling but his dad thought it was at school not the internet. If he would have better communication skill then we would live or if his dad check on what the kid did online.  


            In conclusions I feel that this “Video Growing up Online” only brings up the bad side of the internet. They really don’t talk about the positive side like how it lets you to connect with friend and family that you rarely see. Meet new people and to see what people around the world are doing. This is also a good video that parents with their kids should watch so that they know some of the dangers in the internet.

P.S. sorry for the error's will fix